sabato 14 giugno 2014

Doing something for our health and health of planet it is possible.

It’s estimated that 17-20% of the world’s industrial water pollution comes from the dyeing and treIt’s estimated that 17-20% of the world’s industrial water pollution comes from the dyeing and treIt’s estimated that 17-20% of the world’s industrial water pollution comes from the dyeing and treatment of textiles.
In these last years, thanks to Greenpeace (Fashion Detox Manifesto Campaign) and to many ecologic associations in the world, it's began a lengthy list of positive steps toward the direction of more sustainable, less harmful practices.  Many researches  show how the bigger brands use nonylphenol ethoxylates or NPEs (chemicals that break down to form toxic substances) in their manufacturing cycle.

Thanks to develop of a ecologic awareness, the companies are pledged to publish info on chemicals released from the factories and many retalier are pledeget to communicate informations about tracking of clothing on sale from its suppliers and to discontinue the use and release of all hazardous chemicals from its supply chain by 2020. They also disclosed a detailed version of their ‘Restricted Substance List’ on their website for public knowledge for the first time.

Now, 20 major brands have joined in on this campaign. Over half a million people have signed the detox manifesto, demanding toxic-free fashion and clean water. For more information, or if you would like to get involved somehow, please see the campaign’s web page.

Therefore, why organic fabrics?
For example organic cotton fabric comes from a carefully implented and intensely monitored multi-phase process. First, the cotton plants are sown from non-GMO seeds, and the cotton fiber is grown and harvested without the use of toxic insecticides, pesticides and fertilizers. Instead, crop rotation, trap crops, and beneficial insect predators are used to prevent and control disease, weed and pest problems. Next, the harvested cotton fiber is processed into yarn for weaving into fabric, using only safe cornstarches and peroxides. Chemical inputs like formaldehyde, heavy metals, chlorine bleaches and sulfurs are strictly prohibited.

Choosing to offer an eco-friendly product is in direct response to my belief that Mother Nature is in critical condition and needs our help. I have always had a fiery passion about doing my part to minimize my impact on the earth, and producing organic cotton clothing it is my personal philosophy.

Doing something for our health and health of planet it possible.
Choose organic clothing.

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